Transform subjective decisions made using subjective factors
into expert decisions made using objective factors

Game of Opinions

In football, many decisions are made subjectively to a greater or lesser degree, namely transfers, squad selection, team selections, position placements, and substitutions. In each of these cases the decision maker has a series of internal and external subjective factors that they use to make a decision, and these subjective factors have been fed by a series of observations. The subjective factors can differ according to experience, emotions, temperament, amount of time witnessed, confirmation bias and external influences.

Objective Factors

The key objective factors that we have defined that are known predictors / measurement of player performance are:

Comparing our OBJECTIVE FACTORS assessing the number of data entry points used to inform the decision against a normal decision in a similar subject field EG: Item 8: Goals against XG

Item 8

NORMAL DECISION: Goals scored, has only 1 data point, the goal.

EXPERT DECISION: XG, has 5 additional data points. Position on field, right or left or headed attempt, on or off target, rating according to chance of scoring. These factors combined produce a percentage chance of scoring with multiple layers of objective data.

Defining our objective factors

It is important to note that these are not obviously the complete set of objective factors used, but do cover our view of the required technical player performance factors. Other groups of factors required are temperament/emotional, physical/fitness, and team make up. We will not about these factors in this paper but they should be objectively constructed

Objective Factors #1
Objective Factors #2