Jurgen Klopp loves HBUFC

Fantastic coaches who want to create a better world for kids through football – I was there, it was brilliant!
Join Jurgen Klopp and become an
HBUFC supporter today!
Hout Bay United Football Community (HBUFC) is a NGO (non-governmental organization), NPO (non-profit organization), trust and a charity set up by a group of enthusiasts in Hout Bay with three goals.
Encourage the communities to come together.
Get kids off the street and develop them through mentorship and coaching to improve life skills, school work & football ability. The programs themselves create jobs for players & locals and enable them to earn a small salary.
Promote successful top class passionate football, develop an elite team and bring a common hope & pride to the people of Hout Bay… Find out more about our mission.

We at Projekt b are supporting HBUFC since 2017 with various activities and donations . One of the main reasons, besides their brilliant up lifting programmes for children and young adults of the Hout Bay community, is the professional engagement and work with the HBUFC management . Projekt b can highly recommend the interaction with this NonProfit Organisation as they offer high quality services. Especially when one of our key clients, Jürgen Klopp (head coach Liverpool FC) was visiting South Africa and HBUFC – everything went integer, smooth and professional but still in a positive and humble way. We are proud to be part of them!
– Marc Kosicke. Projekt b